Do we even remember what our lives were like before COVID-19? More importantly, do you remember yourself? To be completely honest, my life was not much different than it is now. I’ve worked from home for the last five years, so the #quarantinelife was already in full effect. My daily routine (at home) has been in tact but I feel like the days run into each other. Not being able to move freely outside the home is starting to get to me.
In the same way our productivity has shifted in the past couple of months, so have our routines, our habits, our feelings, and so much more. It’s easy to be hard on ourselves about all of these things, especially if there’s a voice in your head telling you how you should operate, and how you should keep up with your routine.
So many thoughts make it into my mind, during the course of the day. Many are about the future and what it will hold. What will the “new normal” look like, and will I be able to keep up? I realized that it’s okay to have these thoughts and I shouldn’t feel ashamed for thinking them.
Some days I wake up with creative energy, while other days I just want to lay on the couch and watch Netflix. I finally reached the point where I don’t beat myself up for wanting to do nothing. It’s okay to not clean the house or have dinner ready by 6:00 pm. The world is not going to crumble!
The voice in your head that amplifies worry or anxiety s working overtime right now. And even if your self-talk feels harmless, the things you tell yourself can impact how you act and feel towards yourself and what’s happening around you.
Now more than ever, it’s important to be your own biggest ally – not your own biggest critic. There’s something familiar and comfortable about the way we self-talk. Whether positive or negative, the words, tone or attitude we use can make all the difference.
Oftentimes, the way we treat ourselves reflects how others have treated us in the past – a parent, teacher, or relative. These reflections help us take a step back and separate ourselves from the inner critic.
Once we know where the negative self-talk comes from, we can take time to find our inner voice that is good to us. The voice of someone who is always there for you and comforts you through difficult times -reminds you of your own strength.
See these uncertain times as a chance to re-frame how you see yourself. You might find that you feel more resilient through the challenges you face. When the smoke clears, you came come though more supportive and kinder to yourself.