February is the time when the accomplishments of prominent black people are highlighted and celebrated. It’s a time to reflect and honor who we are and where we came from.
With all the racial injustice and unrest happening in our country, some White people may be wondering if they should do anything in regards to Black History Month. Then there are White people that ask why is there a Black History Month anyway.
Understand this: School textbooks presented whitewashed history for so long. Therefore, American history is problematic for Black people. But Black history is history. Black history is American history. Black history is for everyone. We have to unlearn false and incomplete history and be willing to embrace history in its entirety.
Whiteness has always been centralized as truth and the norm, and we should no longer adhere to that. So, yes, we should celebrate Black history and do it every day. As White people, here are 3 things you can do to celebrate:
Shop Black-owned businesses and brands
Supporting Black-owned businesses and brands is a viable way to honor Black History Month. Shop Black-owned bookstores, purchase items from Black authors and artists, shop Black-owned clothing brands, or order food from a Black-owned restaurant. Door Dash has even included a list of them on their app.
Read, watch, listen and learn from Black media
I’ll be the first to tell you there are so many fantastic Black-authored books, for both adults and children. We all benefit from reading a book authored by and about someone who is different than us. Also, consider podcasts, television shows, movies, and documentaries that help expand your knowledge and understanding of the Black experience.
Follow Black accounts on social media
Enhance your social media feeds with posts from Black accounts. If you want to learn more about how to be anti-racist, consider following Austin Channing Brown, Dr. Shola Mos-Shogbamimu, Layla F. Saad, Martin Luther King III, Rachel Elizabeth Cargle, and Aja Barber. Like and share their posts, read their comments, read their books, and watch their interviews.