The best piece of advice Jillian “JJ” Simmons ever received was to be authentic. After 25 years in radio and media, she’s not slowing down from that advice anytime soon. In my exclusive interview with the on-air beauty, she shares her passion, mission and a message for all women.
Growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, JJ knew from the time she was in 6th grade that she would be on the radio. She viewed radio personalities as celebrities but didn’t hesitate to call the radio station to let them know when they made a mistake! It would be the same radio station she would eventually work for.
As an on-air personality, she has entertained listeners in New York City, alongside “The Queen of All Media” Wendy Williams, as well as in Indianapolis. “JJ on the Mic” can now be heard in Houston, Texas on 97.9 FM “The Box”.
She has interviewed a host of famous and influential people over the years, including President Barack Obama.
When asked how she keeps it all together, “I am more structured than most!” To help erase clutter in her life, Jillian is very intentional to what she gives her time to. This includes a list each day that ensures time towards spiritual, giving, and daughter goals.
Her philanthropy efforts are an extension of her caring heart, including I’m Me Foundation focused on at-risk middle school and high school girls. JJ says it’s important for them to know they can contribute to the world.
In addition, she also saw a need for single moms, such as herself, to have motivation and encouragement. Single Moms Rock gives women a voice and a place they can feel supported.
In October 2016, added another credit to her list – author! Her book Without Bruises, available on Amazon.com, shares her journey through an abusive relationship. It also sheds light on the warning signs that are often overlooked.
Through a conversation with her dad, she realized that she was depressed and her self-esteem gone. She knew there had to be other people going through this; coming out of abusive relationships and not understanding their feelings.
“It’s important to share our stories as women to help each other heal and give God the glory.” She been
Jillian’s advice for women: “Be bold, be courageous and be you. It’s time to be bold, find solutions and take risks. Learning how to be uncomfortable with being comfortable and being unapologetically you – about how you look and feel. Accept you!”
She’s an amazing example of living life on purpose – waking up each day with intention and a passion for helping women and girls.
Learn more about Jillian at www.jjonthemic.com.